How Do I Cancel or Change My Order?
Once an order is placed, we may not be able to modify or cancel it. Orders are often packed outside of customer service hours, such as overnight or on weekends. If you wish to modify or cancel an order during our normal phone hours, please contact us by phone. If outside our normal phone hours, please send us an email as emails are sometimes checked outside of phone hours. If you haven't received a reply prior to our phone hours reopening, please call us as soon as possible. If your order has already been packed before we learn of your request, our normal return policy will apply.
Why Shop with
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We provide a 60-days money back guarantee on every product we sell. We want you to be completely happy with your purchas
Excellent Customer Care
Excellent Customer Care
Since our company began in 1998, customer care been our number one priority, We're also a member of the BBB.
We Specialize In Weather products
We Specialize In Weather products
Our Staff's passion for weather stations and related equipment ensures that our customers receive useful and knowledgeable assistance.
Low Prices
Low Prices
Our prices are low, fair and competitive. if you find others selling for less, be sure to consider return policies and restocking fees, as well as making sure they're a legitimate dealer.
Low Prices - We Stock Over 95% of Our Inventory
Low Prices - We Stock Over 95% of Our Inventory
This allows us to ship orders when promised and keeps our quality control very high. Many retailers use drop shipping extensively.
Free Shipping on Orders Over $50 In The Contiguous U.S
Free Shipping on Orders Over $50 In The Contiguous U.S
Expedited shipping options are also available during the checkout process.
Support Small Business
Support Small Business
We are a small, yet well-established family-owned company located in Roanoke, VA. We strive to provide good jobs and benefits to our staff as well as be a supportive member of our community.
"At WeatherShack we Know and love weather stations and related products. We stock these products in our own warehouse and work with them every day.
Our staff's passion and hands-on products knowledge exceeds that of many retailers. We respectfully ask for your business and hope you'll give us the opportunity to serve you."